Thursday, October 13, 2016

Don't Give Up!

[Warning: Inspirational Speech Ahead]

I just added my 21st speaking role to my resume. WOW. All this in the last 4 years! And SEVEN of those credits were from this year alone (with another short film or two already lined up in the next few weeks!). I'm so grateful for the many doors God has opened! I'm blessed to be doing what I love! There are ups and downs, and long dry spells, and many rejections and disappointments, but I can have peace, joy, and contentment because I know I'm where God wants me to be, and He will open all the right doors. There is so much to be grateful for.

And you know what? In 2012, right before I landed my leading roles in The Wednesday Morning Breakfast Club and Touched by Grace, I was almost ready to give up. I hadn't acted at all in the 3 years since I graduated from college, and I wasn't getting cast in any of the films I had auditioned for, so I was seriously doubting myself. I thought maybe I was wrong -- maybe this wasn't what God wanted me to do, and maybe I just wasn't good enough. Then BAM. I went straight from background extra to being cast as the leading actress in two films that are now being seen on TV all over the world. I've heard from so many people around the globe that have seen those films and been touched by their messages.

Not only have I been a part of many wonderful films that have the potential to change lives, but I also have an enormous film family that I hold dear to my heart. I've made so many friends, traveled to new places, and had some incredible experiences in the last several years as I've worked in the film industry. Memories I wouldn't trade for anything. And this year, I received my first two "Best Acting" awards!

I'm so glad I didn't give up.

(To view my resume, demo reel, film trailers, and more, visit my website: