Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Trivia Tuesday

I am a HUGE Doctor Who fan.  And while I was in Colorado filming "In His Steps" this past May, I joined Zack Lawrence and other Doctor Who fans to create a fan film!  We now have over 3,000 views on youtube, and Zack was contacted and asked if the film could be screened at some film festival!  (I forget the details, but it was pretty cool.)

If you are at all familiar with the original series, you know that the Doctor had an adopted granddaughter named Susan.  She is from the race of Time Lords, which is why she can regenerate...

Any other Doctor Who fans out there?  Who's your favorite Doctor?  Who's your favorite companion? I have loved Eccleston, Tennant, and Smith, but I would have to say that Tennant is my favorite. I've enjoyed all the companions as well, but Clara has become my favorite. She is so delightful. 

I wanted to dress like Clara for the 50th Anniversary episode when it aired in the theater, but these were the only clothes in my closet that would resemble a Doctor Who character, so I went as the 11th Doctor.  :-) And yes, I have a sonic screwdriver...

1 comment:

  1. Tennant is my favorite. Rose is my favorite companion. I love Chris and Matt though
