Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Trivia Tuesday

I participated in my first play when I was 16 years old.  It was a non-Disney musical version of Beauty and the Beast.  I just wanted a small role to test myself and see if this was something I could do, but I ended up with TWO roles that kept me on stage for a large portion of the play.  I was one of Beauty's (Belle's) sisters, and also one of two princesses that had been trapped at the castle when the spell was cast.  Talk about fast costumes changes - from rags to riches!  I had a wonderful time and made life-long friends during the week-long drama camp!  My future as an actress was sealed.  I knew this was something I wanted to keep doing as much as possible.

(That's me on the far right.)


  1. Oh my goodness, Stacey! This is precious!!! I LOVE it! Would you recommend the Drama Camp you went to?

    1. Hi, McKenna! Yes, I would absolutely recommend the drama camp! It's a group of local Christian homeschooling families. Well, I actually don't know if they still do it every summer... But it was definitely a blessing to me. I went back the next year and did "The Sound of Music" with them. So fun! :-)
